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featured artist.
Kirsten Todd.

Resident artist and founder member of the Intuitive Art Collective, Kirsten Todd is an intuitive artist creates mainly portraits in an expressionistic style. Her portraits focus on the Divine Feminine and strong women and are created intuitively giving subtle energy to each piece.. Each piece is infused with energy as Kirsten is also a healer and intuitive medium.

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Browse the works of featured artist Kirsten Todd.

"The Divine Feminine" A curated selection of works in the gallery by Kirsten Todd. 

featured artist.

It is the mark making of art absent of structured thought forms. Letting the brush or pen be guided from within. Feeling your way over the canvas. Heart centred mark making. Painting that comes from an absence of thought but is created from feeling, using the intuition and inner guidance.

Channelled from the spiritual self, the spirit realm or the energy of the multiverse. Allowing the formation of the image to be born without critique or judgement of what comes through and put down on canvas. It is a flow  that comes from deep within your soul. A blissful state of being. The art of creation and creativity brings you into connection with the divine and your divine self. All is stripped bare and your true essence or true self is shown.

what is it?

intuitive art.

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The Strength of a Woman

by Kirsten Todd

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